Here you can find brief information about our occasional services, please contact Sam via the office for additional information about all of the occasions outlined below.


We liaise closely with local Funeral Directors, and are able to offer funeral services either in our worship centre, which are then followed by burial or cremation.

Where cremation only is required, the service is held at the Taunton Deane Crematorium.

Christian Marriage

This can be offered to couples who are Christians, and services are held in our worship centre. Our Pastor Sam and our building is registered to certificate your wedding.

This is only undertaken with the Pastor's permission and on the agreement that the couple undertake marriage preparation classes.

Infant Dedication

As a Baptist Church we are committed to the practice of the dedication of parents to the upbringing of their child in a Christian framework of love and instruction, so that they are able to make their own decisions about faith when they are older.

Therefore we do not christen children, but use infant dedication as an opportunity for parents to offer their child back to God, and give thanks for him or her.


When someone becomes a Christian at WBC the next step is believers baptism. This is normally by total immersion in our baptismal pool in our worship centre. We would not baptise a person without first getting to know them and have them attend WBC for at least six months.

Church Membership

Whilst believers baptism biblically inducts a new Christian into the membership of the worldwide Christian church which is holy and catholic - in common with all other Trinitarian Churches, this is only understood and experienced by a Christian being in membership of a local church.

Ideally, church membership would follow believers baptism and sometimes does. However, our experience is that often new Christians need time to think carefully what membership involves, because it is a serious and important decision.

If a person moves into the area, attends WBC and has previously been in membership at another church, it is our practice to make contact with the leadership of that church.